Our work philosophy is based on a deeper relation than the mere interchange of knowledge and technical experiences. Our focus is oriented to the development of solutions, with emphasis on problems and operational aspects, primarily aiming at reflexes in the economical and financial results of our clients. Our guideline is that each organization is unique and that it must have its own model for our operation, according to its objectives and the market in which it operates.
- Outsourcing of financial and administrative management of companies in the private sector, from every segment;
- Carrying out physical inventories of stocks and property, including reconciliation, registration and registration in an electronic control system;
- Management and preparation of administrative defenses regarding social security, labor and tax infraction notices;
- Management of corporate management system implementation;
- Implantação, revisão e atualização de planejamento, orçamento e fluxo de caixa para definição de metas, comissões, premiações e rentabilidade do negócio;
- Implementation, review and update of planning, budget and cash flow for setting goals, commissions, awards and business profitability;
- Development of individualized solutions, through diagnosis and improvement of procedures and internal controls, related to the administrative, accounting, financial, labor and tax areas;
- Preparation and implementation of chart of accounts;
- Preparation of financial statements and explanatory notes, including statements of added value, cash flow and balance sheet;
- Implementation of accounting statements adapted to International Accounting Standards (IFRS);
- Presentation of suggestions for improving internal accounting management controls.
- Presentation of suggestions for improving internal accounting management controls.
- Controls of employee records and preparation of payrolls;
- Prevention of labor litigation with proper monitoring and interpretation of labor and social security legislation;
- Recruitment and selection of personnel;
- Preparation and implementation of job and salary plan;
- Benefits policy evaluation;
- Review of social charges calculation basis;
- Review of employee document files;
- Physical inspection of employees and beneficiaries;
- Cálculos de contencioso trabalhista;
- Labor litigation calculations;
- Assessment and resolution of disputes to obtain clearance certificates of social charges debts; and
- Presentation of suggestions for improving internal personnel management controls.
- Continuous monitoring of customer operations, aiming to reduce the tax burden through the correct interpretation and application of federal, state and municipal legislation;
- Assessment and resolution of disputes to obtain clearance certificates for federal, state and municipal tax debts;
- Tax planning for direct (Income Tax and Social Contribution) and indirect (ICMS, IPI, ISS, PIS and COFINS) taxes;
- Presentation of suggestions for improving internal tax management controls.
We conquer the trust of the clients through the quality, responsibility and result obtained by the clients in the services that we have performed in more than 20 years of operation. Meet the Objetiva Consultoria and the services offered.
Av. Tancredo Neves, 620,
Ed. Mundo Plaza, cj. 1020,
Bairro: Caminho das Árvores,
CEP: 41820-020, Salvador, Bahia