Interaction and Personal Growth

Through training programs, social events and support to collaborators initiatives, Objetiva aims to create a cooperative and personal growth ambience among members of its team. All events developed up to date have surpassed expectations of success. The most recent events were:


Community Support: Objetiva is present in several organizations of humane support through donations. At the same time it develops a project to adopt a philanthropic institution aiming at economical and social support through the direct action of team members of Objetiva.

We conquer the trust of the clients through the quality, responsibility and result obtained by the clients in the services that we have performed in more than 20 years of operation. Meet the Objetiva Consultoria and the services offered.


+55 71 3341-0144


Av. Tancredo Neves, 620,
Ed. Mundo Plaza, cj. 1020,
Bairro: Caminho das Árvores,
CEP: 41820-020, Salvador, Bahia

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